Why your kids should play video games

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I still remember getting my first Nintendo. And my first Nintendo was THE first Nintendo.

That’s right kids, I was there when the first Nintendo came out. It was an exciting time.

I used to love playing all the classics - Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3…ok it was a lot of Mario but it was also a lot of fun.

When my mom finally made me shut it off at night, I would head off to bed but the game stuck with me. In particular, the MUSIC from the game stuck with me.

I would spend the rest of the night humming Mario’s theme song. When it was raining out and I was feeling sad, I would hum the underground Mario song. You know the one I’m talking about.

The point is, these simple little tunes were memorable even back then. The sound wasn’t good. They had what seems like ancient technology compared to today’s standards, but we all still knew the songs. Somehow those composers made those songs come alive with the limited 16-bit technology that they had.

And a lot of those songs are still considered classics. Kids and adults both still want to learn the Mario Bros. theme song to this day.

There is a reason for that.

Today the technology has improved so much it makes those old games seem almost laughable. Nowadays, composers can use full symphony orchestras to create the soundtracks to these games. Playing a video game now is like walking into a movie. It’s a magical, wonderful place and the music plays a huge role in that.

Don’t believe me? Try turning the sound off next time your kid is playing his favorite game. He will lose his mind!

When kids and adults play video games, they are actually learning a lot. Hand-eye coordination for one. But I’m here to talk about what they are learning from the music.

Without even knowing, gamers are exposing themselves to intricate works of art. Beautiful soundscapes that inform our imagination.

That’s right - your kid is learning while he is playing video games!

And I bet when he walks away from the game (Finally….after you yank the controller from his hands and hide it in the attic), he will walk away humming the tune. Just like I did all those years ago. That song will stick with him. Maybe for the rest of his life.

What if you could teach him how to play that song on the piano? How excited would he be to learn the song and be able to play it for his friends! Oh man. He would be the hit of the party.

And as exciting and fun as that would be for him, he also gets to learn a whole lot about music along the way. Not just music, but discipline and appreciation for the beautiful things in life.

You are molding a genuine, caring human being. And video games can be a big part of creating the person you want him to be.

Video games are here to stay. And I think that’s ok. You don’t have to fight it. Instead, learn to embrace it. Video games are amazing works of art. And maybe sometime soon, when your kid is playing his game, you can close your eyes and just listen. I bet you may just love what you hear.

Mario would be proud.