Why New Year's Resolutions Are The New Black?

why new years resolutions are the new black

It’s a new year. Are you ready?

This is such an exciting time of year. This is the time to set new goals. Try new things. Make new plans. Dream and hope for the future. This is the time to get back to work on the person you truly want to be.

A lot of folks, however, get skeptical about this concept. They are the ones who make it very clear that they are against making new year’s resolutions.

And sure, we all have made a few that we didn’t stick to, but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying.

The History Of New Year’s Resolutions

I think many years ago making New Year’s resolutions was the “it” thing. Everybody was doing it. Every year people would make big proclamations about what they were going to accomplish in the upcoming year. They would gather around the water cooler and share with each other what their plans were. People got excited and people did some big things.

But then the next generation came along. We saw all these people, our elders, making these big proclamations. Even though some of them did big things, we chose to focus on the ones who did not follow through. Time after time, year after year, we watched these people fail at what they said they would do.

When it came time for us to make our resolutions, we didn’t want anything to do them. We didn’t want to be like those who came before us. We felt embarrassed for them and vowed to do whatever it took to be different.

So then NOT making resolutions became the “it” thing. The cool thing to do became talking about how much better you are than others because you don’t make New Year’s resolutions.

Don’t believe me? Try telling some people at your next party that you made a New Year’s resolution. You won’t finish the sentence before someone jumps in to tell you how stupid you are for doing it and how much better they are than you because they don’t.

People love to share their opinions, whether they are right or wrong. But what are these same people accomplishing in their lives?

Here is the truth that all these bitter people ignore…

People who win at life are people who make goals.

And goals are just another fancy word for resolutions. I challenge you to find one millionaire who doesn’t set goals every year. You won’t find one. At least not one who earned the money instead of inheriting it or winning the lottery.

Do you think the great athletes in history became that way by accident? Of course not. They set goals. And the same goes for musicians. You don’t become a great singer or piano player by wishing or hoping. You become great by setting goals and going to work.

People who win set goals. So if you want to win at life, it’s time to start making New Year’s resolutions again. It’s time to make resolutions cool again. We have had plenty of years of being too cool for them, it’s time to bring them back.

This is the time.

This is not the time to try and “cool” ourselves into a worldwide depression. This is the time to get up, set goals and try again. This is the time to push ourselves to do new things. This is the time to show all those who gave up that hope is alive and well.

It’s up to us as the next generation to take New Year’s resolutions back and show what they can really do. Don’t be afraid and don’t be too cool to win at the things you want to win at in life. We only get a short amount of time to do these things, so make some goals and let’s get to work.